Write Every Day

As an aspiring author, my goal is to write something, ANYTHING, every day. It could be a writing exercise I’ve found in a resource book or online (which I will cite for your reference), a short story that I’ve been tooling around with, a book review, an excerpt from my current WIP, or a blog post about the life of a writer (a.k.a. a rant).

My posts, writing, and excerpts will, for the most part, be unedited, and not yet critically reviewed by a peer group, writing group, or editor.

Hopefully, you’ve come here with a desire to read, and if you too are a writer, you a desire to feel some connection, community, and validation. My favorite part of the writing community is the reminder that we’re not alone. We’re all in this together, and I hope you feel that from the things you read here.

Please, poke around at any of my posts about the writing life and my fiction pieces. All writings and photos are my own. Your comments are welcome! Constructive criticism is appreciated. Nasty talk will be moderated.

Happy reading and writing!

P.S. follow me on twitter, if you’re one of those tweety folks!